My Pokémon Generation 9 Character, Plot and Dialogue Creation

Jeremy Damen
11 min readOct 15, 2020


I’m doing something a little bit different with this Medium post.

As many of you know or have read by now, I am a creative writer by nature and by trade.

I love the world of Pokémon and I am using this post to create my own Pokémon generation 9 characters, plot, and dialogue.

None of this is affiliated with Gamefreak, Pokémon Company International or Nintendo themselves. This is a personal creation as someone with a passion for creative writing, video games, Pokémon and more. I could honestly spend weeks, months and years further elaborating. So if you want to pay me to do so.. Without further ado, here is my baseline story.

What will this “personally created” Pokémon world have in store?


Main character (you): You are the son/daughter of a prior Pokémon Champion in the making. Throughout this journey, you learn the truth about your Father, who played an instrumental part in the destruction of the world through the greed of trying to become the Pokémon Champion. Evil organizations are the true evil in this generation, but your Father had a chance to attempt to become a peaceful Pokemon Champion. Falling short of his goal helped cause the destruction of the world. Will you fall unto the same greed that overcame him? Who is this evil organization? What lessons will you learn on your Pokémon journey?

Overarching Story: The Pokémon world as it was once known was brought to ruin by the greed of Pokémon trainers and evil organizations seeking power. The only way to avoid the total destruction of the world was for the 7 all-powerful Pokémon of this realm to combine their powers to cause a reset. Lingering figures of this not-to-be forgotten past will play an integral role in trying to complete their original task: To save the world as we know it, or bring it to ruin.

Throughout this journey, the trainer learns about their Father’s past, as well as beginning their journey into the world of Pokémon. They will learn the companionship that Pokémon can bring to the world, and they will later be revealed to the greed that caused your aspiring Father to play a part in the reset of the Universe. They will face temptation from the evil organization.

The only way to fulfill the destruction of the Pokémon world is to gather the 7 new mythical Pokémon while wielding 8 light-stones that alter these mythical Pokémon to turn from protectors, to combine their powers to end the Universe. Why are there an uneven amount of stones? Some say only the Pokémon Champion himself carries the 8th and almighty stone that is required to complete the ritual of destruction.

You will seek to become the Pokémon Champion with hopes that you will provide the land with a safe-keeper to ensure evil cannot rule over the world. The past is too important to be forgotten, and it is doomed to repeat itself if you don’t rise above.

Evil Organization “The Tirium Agency”: The Tirium Agency is led in large part by several trainers who failed to become Pokémon champions. They are led by the greed of disappointment, and not wanting to let others become Pokémon Champion if they could not. After their failures in the Pokémon League, they become cynical and no longer feel the positive companionship that every trainer feels when they originally started their Pokémon journey. Their mission is to lead to the destruction of the planet and the end of Pokémon civilization as it’s known. They feed off of disappointed trainers and recruit them into their agency, which operates more like a cult.

The Tirium Agency seeks to manipulate the rare trainers who have defeated the gym leaders in hopes of stealing these stones from them. To get the 8th and final stone needed after they’ve done that, they have to get it from the Pokémon League Champion. How did they get this stone in the last timeline? The Main character’s father lost in the battle to become the Pokémon League Champion. He used his Pokémon to cause physical harm to the Pokémon Champion in a rage of losing, and ended up giving it to The Tirium Agency. When they learn that the Main Character is the offspring of Miles, they spend extra attention trying to manipulate them to fulfill their mission.

Miles (Main Characters Father): Miles is the Father of the main character. He started out just like you, an aspiring trainer happy to be in the world of Pokémon. He set out on his journey at a young age and had a competitive fire and desire to be the world’s best Pokémon trainer. He went through his trials challenging the gym leaders the region had to offer. After accumulating 5 badges, his greed grew. His initial joy for the world of Pokémon became a personal mission to become the Pokémon League Champion. Unknowing what would be gained by being the Champion, all he knew was that he wanted to be it.

When Miles lost to the Pokémon League Champion, he broke a sacred rule of Pokémon. You never attack another trainer with another Pokémon. When he did this, he took the 8th and final lightstone. He wasn’t the rightful owner to have this stone, but he saw it fall off the Pokémon League Champion and with its sparkle you could see as far as the eyes can see, he took it in a rage and curiosity. He felt he deserved it.

Not thinking clearly, Miles was encountered by The Tirium Agency and made a grave mistake. They manipulated Miles into believing they could rig the Pokémon League with the Agency’s former Pokémon League challengers and get him to become the Pokémon League Champion, with the prior Champion fallen due to Mile’s attacking the owner with his Pokémon. Miles agreed to give them the final lightstone, not knowing the chaos and destruction that could come from it.

Days later, Miles learns the true impact of what he had done. You could hear the screams in the sky from the 7 Mythical Pokémon. Miles, someone who did at one point care deeply about the well being and companionship about Pokémon, traveled back to the summit to see what was happening. Miles saw a red glow in the mythical Pokémon’s eyes, and knew something was wrong. He could see the sinister smile of The Tirium Agency and the powerful beam forming from the lightstones going into the 7 mythical Pokémon’s direction. In a snap of a moment, Miles reverted back to his good nature and ran in front of the beam. This beam would have forever forbidden the mythical Pokémon from acting in good nature, and would have brought ruin to the world. The mythical Pokémon were able to see the sacrifice that this noble human made, and agreed to use their power’s to reset this universe in a later timeline. Is Miles alive or gone for good?

In this new timeline, The Tirium Agency has the same end goal as before. And their leader was able to find a way to make it to the new timeline, knowing the faults they faced before and is seeking to make sure the world gets eradicated properly this time.

Professor Salix: Salix is the professor you will be encountering in this journey. Professor Salix isn’t from the past timeline, but has data recordings that proved something awful happened in the past timeline. Professor Salix received a recording from Miles indicating what could happen, and to look after the Main Character. Professor Salix simply wants the Main Character to go on a heartful journey in the world of Pokémon, and wants to hopefully be a slight father figure to keep you on the right path. In light of this, Professor Salix wants Your Rival [Professor Salix’s daughter] to be apart of your Pokémon journey.

Lerissa [Your Rival]: Lerissa, Professor Salix’s daughter, is set out on your Pokémon journey as you leave the opening town. Professor Salix is hoping she can be a guiding light on your journey since he is aware of the destruction Miles helped cause. Lerissa has her own goals and aspirations in the world of Pokémon, and is going to be face her own trials and tribulations. While she is going to try to keep you in positive spirits and travel with you at times, she is going to intentionally aid The Tirium Agency throughout the journey.

After Lerissa and Main Character obtain their third badge, Lerissa goes back to Professor Salix’s laboratory. She becomes snoopy when she sees he is not there, and comes across the rare data disc that Miles left behind. When she learns the truth of the world and The Tirium Agency, she starts to act differently. She sees herself as someone that needs to stop the Main Character from becoming the Pokémon League Champion, as she fears that being the son of Miles means that the Main Character will fall into the same temptation and help lead to the destruction of the world.

Will Lerissa ultimately fall into the same power struggle Miles faced while trying to protect against the Main Character? Can The Tirium Agency manipulate her into doing their work for them?

Thentiss (Leader of The Tirium Agency): Thentiss is the leader of The Tirium Agency. Founded off the disappointment and anger of those who failed to become the Pokémon League Champion, Thentiss recruits them into his agency. He sells them on promises that one day, he can rig them to become the Pokémon League Champion. Over time however, he manipulates them to join him in his true wish: Destruction. Thentiss’ heart has become black, and there is no retribution for him.

When Miles commit his sacrifice to ultimately save the world of Pokémon after he led it to the doorsteps of destruction, Thentiss saw what the mythical Pokémon were doing. He could hear through their mythical cries that they were attempting to reset the universe into a future timeline. Thentiss did the only thing he could think of to try to spare himself, he lept into the mythical Pokémon while they were at the summit, and found a way to become apart of the new timeline as this new reality was created.

Determined to not fail this time, Thentiss again seeks to recruit top trainers from the Pokémon world to slow down and manipulate the Main Character, as well as any other challengers.

Thentiss sees a slight physical resemblance between the Main Character and Miles. Once he learns of this truth of their family heritage, he seeks out on his journey to ultimate manipulate the Main Character to complete the goal Miles couldn’t at the last moment.


Main Character: Something feels so familiar as I climb the summit to attempt to become the Pokémon League Champion. The air grabs around me as if I’ve been here, but I know I haven’t.. What is this feeling?

Miles, in Memory to Main Character Spiritually: I remember the icy chills of this summit.. The mythical Pokémon have graciously allowed me a short amount of time to chronical my journey. Don’t fall for the same temptation I did..


Main Character: I don’t know what your plans are, but I’m my own person. I’ve chosen to continue this journey and become the Pokémon League Champion and keep faith and balance in this world.

Thentiss to Main Character: Don’t you get it yet? You’re walking the same footsteps that your Father took. If he couldn’t succeed, what makes you think you could? He turned to The Tirium Agency, and you will too.

Main Character to Thentiss: My Father may not have been perfect, but I know he had a good heart.. He would never side with The Tirium Agency, and I won’t either. My Pokémon will guide me at times I feel weak. Our companionship can’t be beat!


Professior Salix: The world of Pokémon is not one to be taken lightly, Main Character and Lerissa. There are temptations that the world outside of this town will try to land within you. I trust that you two will look out for each other and never let each other fall for those temptations.

Lerissa: What kind of temptations do you mean, Father? We’re seeking out to become Pokmeon League Champions! Well, I will atleast, and I’ll be waiting to challenge Main Character! With my Starter Pokémon, we can accomplish anything together!

Main Character: Yeah, what kind of temptations do you mean? If we stay on this journey with our Pokémon, what’s there to worry about?

Professor Salix: Just trust that the journey won’t be easy. I can’t elaborate further. Now go, Lerissa and Main Character! Begin your wonderful Pokémon journey!

Professor Salix To Himself: I can already see the similarities in Miles and Main Character.. I’ll be sure to keep my eye on him.


Lerissa: Father, are you here? I just got my third badge and I want to tell you all about the battle and the lightstone I got!


Lerissa: Hello????

Walks over to the computer where Father is typically doing Pokémon research*

Lerissa: What are these data discs? And why does my Father have graphs connecting this Miles person to Main Character?

*Researches further into the data discs, learning the truth behind Miles past and the family relation to Main Character*

Lerissa: This can’t be real.. The world was nearly destroyed due to Main Character’s Father? I can’t let them become the Pokémon League Champion!



Generic NPC 1: “In the wonderful world of Pokémon, there are many lessons to learn. Which Pokémon to catch, what Pokéball to use, which move to use, what to eat for dinner..”

Generic NPC 2: “My Father was once a powerful trainer! He collected three badges on his journey! He is why I use Bug-type Pokémon.”

Generic NPC 3: “Have you spoken to the woman next door? She has mastered the art of knitting, and may have a valuable scarf to provide to you.”

Generic NPC 4: “Have you heard of The Tirium Agency? I’ve only heard bad things about them. My friend said the next time I use his Pokéball without asking, he is going to take me to them..”

Generic NPC 5: “Being a Pokémon trainer is more than just about how strong your Pokémon are. Do they coordinate well together? Can you handle any type of Pokémon? Do they get along with you? These are all the things a Pokémon trainer must consider.”

Generic NPC 6: “Have you heard of a trainer called Youngster Joey? My parents named me Zoey after him, so I go by Youngster Zoey! They said he was one of the most powerful bug-type trainers from another region.. How cool!”

Generic NPC 7: “There is more to Pokémon battling than using powerful moves. If you have the right support moves on your team, you can become an even stronger trainer!”

Generic NPC 8: “My husband believes he’s a good Pokémon trainer. But truthfully, our son routinely beats him in Pokémon battles, and he just got started as a trainer two weeks ago.”

Generic NPC 9: “You should make sure to visit Pokémon Centers whenever you can. You always want your Pokémon to be fully rested up and ready to go!”

Generic NPC 10: “Have you tried equipping a hold item to your Pokémon? It can change the way a Pokémon is used, allowing for new possibilities.”

Generic NPC 11: “Do you have Water, Ground or Rock type Pokémon? The gym leader of this town uses Fire type Pokémon. You’ll want to catch some Pokémon of those types for your best chance at beating the gym leader!

Generic NPC 12: “This region is just one of many different regions in the Pokémon world. Every region has Pokémon exclusive to their location too. If you travel the whole world, you will get to meet all types of Pokémon!

Generic NPC 13: “Pokémon can be used for good or bad in this world. With all the joy Pokémon bring to us, how could anyone use them for evil?”

